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13 and 14 October 2016





Taking into account the both complex and contradictory contemporary reality, the Ruins and Temporalities Conference invites to speculation not only about the past as the a reminiscence of ancestral civilizations or in its quality of testimony of life circumscribed to different temporal cycles and considered in a transnational perspective. The dimension of the ruin has encouraged from the Renaissance period until the 18th century, the fashion of a form of ambulation, the European initiatory travel – The Grand Tour – which will have later its continuation, under the form of traveling throughout colonial African, Asiatic and American possessions pertaining to the 19th and 20th centuries European empires.
Nevertheless, it is the connection of the ruin to the artistic object that contributes to conferring it the temporalities bringing about its own evolution and the celerity of life itself. Ruins establish a relation between present and future, as a repository of the origin and destination, both of the individual and of society, evoking a temporal appeal to solve the apparent gap between the past and the fertile fields of a present in constant motion.






Alexandra Ai Quintas, Maria João Castro, Margarida Brito Alves, Miguel Montez Leal, Miguel Baptista-Bastos, Paula André.


Alexandra Ai Quintas, Ana Guerreiro, Carlos Dias Coelho, Maria João Castro, Maria João Vaz, Margarida Brito Alves, Miguel Montez Leal, Michel Toussaint, Paula André, Paulo Simões Rodrigues, Rogério Miguel Puga, São José Corte-Real, Teresa Marat-Mendes.


julho 2015 113 p sat old style